Sunflower County Film Academy (2024)
Civil Rights History.
Students watch the film, “Voices From The Sit-In” which was released in 2021
The students also watched the award-winning film, “Fannie Lou Hamer’s America,” which premiered on PBS and WORLD Channel in February 2022. The film was produced by Monica Land, Hamer’s niece and Project Director of the Sunflower County Film Academy.
The students from the 2024 Sunflower County Film Academy were: (l to r) Iyana Norris, Khloe Williams, Emory Manly, Makarios Clotman, Sincere Birge, Peyton James, Intern: Zariah Burl, Brandon Thomas, Merion Turner, Intern: Mariano Sifuentes, Markelen Morton, Aaron Johnson, ShaCameron Collins and Shanarius Ross. (Dkyra White not pictured. Muriel Lucas McCraney (eighth from left) and Professor Georgene Clark (eighth from right) of Delta State University spoke to students on the first day about their experiences at Delta State after the school was integrated in the 1960s. Their story is documented in the film, “Voices From The Sit-In” produced by Professor Ted Fisher.
I’ve always been fascinated with cameras. I had a dream of doing photography, videography and becoming a director. I want to learn stuff that I never had the time to learn for myself especially from professionals. - Markelen “Marko” Morton, SCFA Student
(All photos by SCFA Instructors Ben Powell and Glenn Payne and Student Intern Mariano Sifuentes)
ShaCameron Collins
Markelen "Marko" Morton
Brandon Thomas
Merion Turner
Shanarius Ross, Markelen Morton, Merion Turner and ShaCameron Collins
Makarios Clotman
Merion Turner
Iyana Norris, Markelen Morton and Markarios Clotman

Peyton James

Aaron "AJ" Johnson

Emory Manly and Markelen Morton
Auditions and Reads.
“I wanted to come to the workshop to try something new. I think working on a movie will be scary and exciting.” Shanarius Ross, SCFA Student
Cleveland resident Tony Foster reads for a role in the SCFA film, "Whenever You're Ready."
SCFA students during the audition process
Shara White reads for the role of "Melissa Smith"
SCFA Student Shanarius Ross reads for a part in the student film in front of SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne and fellow student Brandon Thomas
Professor Georgene Clark reads for a role in the student's film
Professor Georgene Clark reads for a role in the student's film
Shara White reads before the students
Zariah Burl during a read before the class
Zariah Burl during a read for the film
Shanarius Ross during a read
Tony Foster auditions for a role in the student film
SCFA Instructor Ben Powell and the students read through the script for "Whenever You're Ready."
SCFA Student Markelen Morton (l) reads as the main character, Miles Smith, in the class film. Also pictured Brandon Thomas, Merion Turner, Mariano Sifuentes, Shanarius Ross and ShaCameron Collins
SCFA Students (l to r) Makarios Clotman, Emory Manly, Sincere Birge and Dkyra White read through the script for their class film
ShaCameron Collins, Zariah Burl and SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne go through the script for "Whenever You're Ready"
Field Trip - Delta Music Institute.
As part of our film camp, our students visited the Delta Music Institute (DMI) at Delta State University and toured the facilities with Austin Rutledge. Their mission is to provide students with a broad and thorough education in the technological, creative, and business areas of the entertainment industries.
“Getting the script right. Getting the perfect angles. Getting the perfect lighting. It just takes a lot of takes [to make a movie] and you want to make sure it’s perfect.” - Iyana Norris, SCFA Student
Mariano Sifuentes, Markelen Morton, Merion Turner and ShaCameron Collins
Students Emory Manly (l) and Markelen Morton, who plays "Miles", in the movie, "Whenever You're Ready"
Sincere Birge sets up a scene
SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne working with (l to r) Merion Turner, ShaCameron Collins and Peyton James
Peyton James and ShaCameron Collins set up the bathroom scene with Shanarius Ross and Dkyra White
Shanarius Ross, Markelen Morton, Merion Turner and ShaCameron Collins
(l to r) Shanarius Ross, Dkyra White, Emory Manly, Sincere Birge, Markelen Morton, ShaCameron Collins, Peyton James, Makarios Clotman and Merion Turner work a scene with SCFA Student Intern Zariah Burl (seated)
Zariah Burl, Iyana Norris, Makarios Clotman and Emory Manly
Merion Turner, ShaCameron Collins and Mariano Sifuentes work with SCFA instructors Ben Powell and Glenn Payne
Markelen Morton, Makarios Clotman and Aaron Johnson
Emory Manly, Sincere Birge and Dkrya White set up a scene
Merion Turner, Shanarius Ross, ShaCameron Collins, Peyton James and Khloe Williams set up a hallway scene with SCFA Instructors Ben Powell and Glenn Payne
Sincere Birge, Emory Manly and Zariah Burl
SCFA Student Intern Mariano Sifuentes, Shanarius Ross, Merion Turner, ShaCameron Collins, Peyton James and Khloe Williams shoot a hallway scene with SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne
Students shoot a scene with "Miles" and his mom
SCFA students shoot a stairway scene
Students shooting another scene for the film
Shara White, who plays "Melissa Smith" in the movie, waits for her cue with Peyton James, Brandon Thomas and ShaCameron Collins
SCFA Students Zariah Burl and Merion Turner
"Miles" talks to his mom, "Melissa" in a scene from the movie
ShaCameron Collins and Peyton James shoot a scene from the movie with "Mr. Brunson" (Dakota McCollom) and "Mr. Thomas" (Tony Foster)
SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne and students ShaCameron Collins and Merion Turner shooting a scene with "Miles", "Mr. Brunson" and "Mr. Thomas".
Merion Turner on the dolly for a scene with "Mr. Bruson" and "Mr. Thomas"
Shooting a scene with "Miles"
ShaCameron Collins shoots a scene with "Melissa"
Khloe Williams, Shanarius Ross, ShaCameron Collins and Emory Manly shoot a scene with "Miles", "Mr. Brunson" and "Mr Thomas"
Sincere Birge and Dkyra White set up a scene
Emory Manly, Sincere Birge, Aaron Johnson, ShaCameron Collins and Makarios Clotman prepare for a scene with SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne
Merion Turner works the boom for a scene
SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne, who wrote the movie, "Whenever You're Ready" studies the actors Markelen Morton ("Miles") and Shara White ("Melissa")
Director Glenn Payne getting it done in a scene with ShaCameron Collins and "Miles"
Peyton James working the slate with ShaCameron Collins
Merion Turner, Zariah Burl, Shanarius Ross, Emory Manly, Mariano Sifuentes, Sincere Birge, Aaron Johnson, ShaCameron Collins, Markelen Morton and Makarios Clotman
SCFA Instructor Ben Powell working with the students
Peyton James, Brandon Thomas and ShaCameron Collins set up a scene with "Melissa"
SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne shoots "Miles" in a classroom scene
“It’s just inspirational...being around a lot of people…I like the experience and I just love doing it.” - SCFA Student, Merion Turner

Peyton James

Sincere Birge, Zariah Burl and Dkyra White

Brandon Thomas with Markelen Morton and Shara White in the background

Makarios Clotman, Zariah Burl, Shanarius Ross, ShaCameron Collins, Peyton James and Markelen Morton participate in an "ice breaker" theatre warm up exercise

Markelen Morton "Miles" and Shara White "Melissa"

Khloe Williams, Makarios Clotman, Emory Manly, ShaCameron Collins, Shanarius Ross, Aaron Johnson and other students examine a camera during class

Markelen Morton, SCFA Instructor Ben Powell, Shanarius Ross, Peyton James, Mariano Sifuentes, ShaCameron Collins and Aaron Johnson during a teaching moment

Students during a classroom scene of the movie

Zariah Burl, Shanarius Ross, ShaCameron Collins, Peyton James and Markelen Morton participate in an "ice breaker" exercise

Mariano Sifuentes, Khloe Williams and Shanarius Ross

ShaCameron Collins, Brandon Thomas and SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne during a scene with "Miles" Markelen Morton

Glenn Payne, Sincere Birge, Dkyra White, Makarios Clotman, Zariah Burl, Shanarius Ross and ShaCameron Collins participate in a theatre exercise
“Seeing the excitement they get on set and seeing a script come to life right in front of their eyes..I think is impactful to them. And they’ll want to continue to do it.” - Ben Powell, SCFA Instructor and Filmmaker
(l to r) SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne, ShaCameron Collins, SCFA Instructor Ben Powell, Peyton James, Dkyra White, Shanarius Ross, Mariano Sifuentes, Markelen Morton, Sincere Birge, Emory Manly, Iyana Norris, Makarios Clotman, Zariah Burl, Aaron Johnson and Khloe Williams
Movie title card
SCFA Instructor and filmmaker Ben Powell runs the student film, "Whenever You're Ready" for the premiere on June 21
Movie title card with the name of the main character, "Miles" played by Markelen Morton
The stars of the movie on a title card
Movie title card with Shara White starring as "Melissa" in the movie
The community watch a short documentary the students produced before the premiere of "Whenever You're Ready"
SCFA Students|Production crew on a movie title card
SCFA Students' family and the community attended the premiere of their movie
SCFA Students|Production crew on a movie title card
SCFA Students engaged with the audience for a question and answer session after the premiere moderated by SCFA Instructor Glenn Payne
SCFA Students|Production crew on a movie title card
Students speak to Delta News TV (WABG-TV) after the premiere
SCFA Students|Production crew on a movie title card
An aerial shot of Cleveland in the movie
SCFA Students|Production crew on a movie title card
"Melissa Smith" (Shara White) and her "son" "Miles" (Markelen Morton)
SCFA Students|Production crew on a movie title card
SCFA Instructors and filmmakers Ben Powell and Glenn Payne were interviewed by Delta News TV (WABG)
SCFA Students|Production crew on a movie title card
Delta Arts Alliance Executive Director Dawn Ales and her summer intern, Hallie Rhodes, help with lunch for after the premiere of the film
The SCFA Students, their family and the community were treated to lunch after the movie premiere
SCFA Students Sincere Birge and ShaCameron Collins at the movie premiere