Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Promenade

Binghamton, New York

Unveiling and Dedication: Exact Date Unknown (Around the 1970s to the 1980s)

Location: At the intersection of Wall Street and Henry Street along the Chenango River in Binghamton, NY.

According to Roger Luther, Broome County Historian and President of the Broome County Historical Society, the Memorial Plaque honoring Fannie Lou Hamer is one of 17 other plaques honoring civil rights activists located on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Promenade along the Chenango River.

The “River Promenade” was established by the Urban Renewal Agency in the 1970s. Then, in the mid 1980s, the agency, in response to local activists, proposed that the promenade be named after Dr. King and a statue be erected in his honor. So, the promenade was renamed for Dr. King in 1986. But it wasn’t until 2010 that a statue was finally erected. It’s located at the southern end of the promenade, along with a “Peacemakers’ Stage.”

Civil Rights Plaques/Markers.

The plaque for Fannie Lou Hamer is one of 18 plaques, each mounted on a 4-foot-high pedestal located along the northern section of the promenade.

Initially, 25 or more pedastals were placed along the promenade with more being added later.

The plaque for Fannie Lou Hamer is one of 18 plaques, each mounted on a 4-foot-high pedestal located along the northern section of the promenade.

Initially, 25 or more pedastals were placed along the promenade with more being added later.

Photos and articles courtesy of Roger Luther and the Broome County Historical Society.

Media & MLK Statue Dedication.

A bronze 7-foot statue of Dr. Martin Luther King was placed in front of the Peacemakers’ Stage.

Fannie Lou Hamer and Dr. King spoke at the 1963 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, NJ and participated in the March Against Fear in Jackson, MS in 1966 when activist James Meredith was shot. King had great respect for Mrs. Hamer.